Retained Executive Search


Is your HR department looking to hire an executive recruiter skilled at finding and closing top talent? Often, high-end executive search firms get a retainer, an up-front fee, in order to carry out a specialized search for senior level executive positions such as corporate officers.

Additionally, top retained search firms are also tasked with placing competitive positions with top talent in fields like programming and data analysis.

These positions are found at the highest level of companies and organizations and require the best talent as their decisions are deeply influential across a variety important company factors.

How does retained executive recruiting work?

A retained executive search means the recruiter or headhunters charges an upfront sum in order to carry out the executive search. Additionally, retained recruiters operate on an exclusive basis, which means the job is exclusive to that specific retained executive search firm. This has its pros and cons, and its best to understand a variety of payment options before committing to the one you may later regret.

Always remember, retained recruiters are working for the organization that’s looking to fill a position, and not for the potential candidates, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes– from large international firms to smaller boutique that specializes in specific industries. You’ll need to do some homework to find the firm that offers the best fit for your executive search needs. The benefit to smaller niche centered firms is that you’ll have a recruiter specializing in the area of your search, which can be a time saver in the long run.

Executive searches are often conducted at a level which demands recruiters, headhunters or search firms have a vast network of relationships and connections that have been built and carefully cultivated over the span of many years. An executive recruiter already understands various demands and requirements of senior-level executive positions and can use their network to recruit only the top candidates, regardless if they’re currently employed.

When dealing exclusively with one retained search firm for executive searches, the client generally is able to develop a more meaningful working relationship with the recruiter and receives a much higher level of service. Furthermore, the client/recruiter become familiar with one another, perfect their communication and working relationship, making future searches easier and more manageable.

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